Digital transformation

Comparative Cost-Effectiveness Analysis:
Dedicated Team (software outsourcing)
vs In-house Staff

This entry was posted in Digital transformation, Outsourcing Models on .

The consumption of every resource begins and ends with spending more money. Based on this obvious reality, evaluating the team’s expansion from a cost perspective is essential mostly because: the new (social and economic) context generates an unpredictable market dynamic. This dynamic directly influences your business evolution by: forcing your company to operate in new […]

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Outsourcing a Dev. Team:
Cost Generated by Working with a Dedicated Team

This entry was posted in Digital transformation, Outsourcing Models on .

Either you own/work for a software company, or you have a business in other industry that relies on smart technologies (business apps, mobile solutions, etc.) the topic of the cost is a neuralgic one, especially those days when everything is changing around us. While developing new software projects seems costly and involves medium and long […]

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