Mobile app development

Why you should have a dedicated mobile app for your restaurant

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This year took its toll on restaurants all over the world. The pandemic struck hard on restaurants around the globe. Restaurants protested all over Europe, France, Italy, or Portugal due to the government’s restrictive measures against COVID-19. To survive, restaurants took their business online as a measure to stay on the market and keep the […]

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What Types of Mobile Apps Can You Develop for Your Business? (descriptions, examples, pros & cons)

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From 2011 to nowadays, mobile internet has grown by 504% in daily media consumption. To be more specific – over 4.4 billion people from all over the world are, today, active internet users. Such an impressive number, right? And this is not all. Take a look at what stats say about users behavior in online: […]

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Mobile App Stats: Top trends in App Development for Different Industries

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(Mobile App Stats) There are a lot of things happening in the Mobile App Development World. The Global Digital Population is continually growing, and digital consumers now use all the devices to explore services and experiences in both developed and now emerging markets. Check the graph below to visualize the trends: The demand for mobile […]

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