
Native vs. Mobile web vs. Hybrid

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Nowadays, at any corner people are using a smartphone. No doubt, over the past years these devices had a huge impact on our lives and still have. People enjoy using their smartphones because they can accomplish many things on the go such as reading e-mails, social networking, watching movies and plenty of other activities. If […]

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Visual Studio 2013 Update 2

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The final release of Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 became available for download. In case you already are a Visual Studio 2013 user, a notification inviting you to start the download and install Update 2 for Visual Studio 2013 soon is to appear.

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An interesting overview on web browsers!

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For many years web browsers were in the middle of a fears “war”, a competition for the top place in the web browsers market share. Fortunately at this point, you can not really go wrong with any of the popular browsers, but anyway there are few things that give each it own competitive edge of the others.

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Known Error Database (KEDB) insights!

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To understand Known Error Database or KEDB anyone should know that there are three ITIL terms that you should be familiar with such as incident, problem and known error. What could be tagged as incident? Simple, if your email service goes down without notice from your provider, could be tagged as an incident. In this example, the reason behind the email outage is the problem, so a problem is the underlying cause of an incident. In other words, this is the thing that caused the issue in the first place.

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New Features And Enhancements of the SQL Server 2014

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SQL Server 2014, the latest upgrade to Microsoft’s popular relational database management system has been announced by the company to be available on the market since April 1st 2014. With this new release Microsoft presents some new features to keep up with its high standards imposed over the years. We were a little bit curious […]

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Android, let’s chat!

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Google announced the release of Google Cloud Messaging, aka GCM, as a replacement for its Cloud to Device Messaging (C2DM) protocol in one of the past Google IO Conferences.

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Mobile design for Asp.NET WebForms: Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX offers now an alternative to Twitter Bootstrap

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We are in the age of seamless connections, where smartphones long surpassed regular cell phones use, where tablets sales skyrocketed and where mobile devices generate more web browsing than any existing technology. People all over the globe use all sorts of handsets to navigate the web, to work or just leisure. It is estimated that this year, over 79% of the Internet users will go online via mobile handsets at least once per month, which compared to 2013 has increased from a 73.4% figure.

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