An interesting overview on web browsers!

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For many years web browsers were in the middle of a fears “war”, a competition for the top place in the web browsers market share. Fortunately at this point, you can not really go wrong with any of the popular browsers, but anyway there are few things that give each it own competitive edge of the others.

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Known Error Database (KEDB) insights!

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To understand Known Error Database or KEDB anyone should know that there are three ITIL terms that you should be familiar with such as incident, problem and known error. What could be tagged as incident? Simple, if your email service goes down without notice from your provider, could be tagged as an incident. In this example, the reason behind the email outage is the problem, so a problem is the underlying cause of an incident. In other words, this is the thing that caused the issue in the first place.

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Roweb Goes “Green”

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By definition as a software development and web design company, Roweb provides products with great usability for eco friendly companies. Why is that? Because nature is the best source for inspiration. Living on our beautiful Earth, we can get a great deal of inspiration from the sky, mountains, trees, green fields, the ground, only our brain is to set the limit.

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A programmer is just a tool that converts caffeine into code

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Are you programming for a living and in the process do you drink a lot of coffee to keep your senses high and forget about fatigue during the long hours of work? Clearly then you are caffeine “addicted“. But actually, this is how you properly function and it has been transformed into a lifestyle. If this is good or bad, will just leave it for a future post to brag about it, but now let’s concentrate on you and your daily “fuel“ .

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New Features And Enhancements of the SQL Server 2014

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SQL Server 2014, the latest upgrade to Microsoft’s popular relational database management system has been announced by the company to be available on the market since April 1st 2014. With this new release Microsoft presents some new features to keep up with its high standards imposed over the years. We were a little bit curious […]

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Android, let’s chat!

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Google announced the release of Google Cloud Messaging, aka GCM, as a replacement for its Cloud to Device Messaging (C2DM) protocol in one of the past Google IO Conferences.

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Tips and Ways for a healthier Web Developer’s life

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The ugly truth about long hours of inactivity on a regular indoor working day Staying at your desk in front of your computer at some point may seem relaxing as you have so many options for leisure, but what about when your “job” is to stay at your PC for numerous hours each day to […]

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Roweb endorses this year’s edition of National Computer Science Contest

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Roweb Development is one of the sponsors of Pitesti 2014 National Computer Science Contest organized by National Education Ministry. The following local and county institutions as well as renowned colleges and high schools that over time had great results in such contests, participate : “ Alexandru Odobescu “National College Pitesti, “ Ion C. Bratianu” National […]

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Roweb’s path to the future

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We are a highly experienced software development company that has been operating in the web-services market for more than a decade, implementing sophisticated projects for small or major corporate clients.

2014 is the tenth year of partnership between us and the University of Pitesti, which represents an important foundation stone for the future development of our company. We set up a work program and an internship with UPIT students to get them familiarized with our ways of work and the needs of the market profile in which we operate. Given the fact that most of our programmers were UPIT students, we offer all necessary support for their future evolution.

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