This year was hard enough – so you don’t afford to lose any opportunity to boost your sales. Especially now when everybody seems to be more willing than ever to spend money on “special stuff”.
You may have a website. Plus a generous budget for advertising on social media. But…so it has every online business.
As remarkable as your products may be, it’s hard to draw attention to them in such a noisy environment (’cause, yes, in the holiday season, the online space is crowded with special offers, special products, special promotions, special gifts, etc.)
Our advice: if you wanna stand out on the market, take into account to diversify your sales channels, also. And we’ll go even further with this advice by showing you 3 apps – recently developed by Roweb’s teams – that could (definitely) help you boost sales during this season.
DELIVERY APP (Ordering & Transportation)
A few days ago, while I was scrolling down on a social media channel, an ad caught my attention. It was promoting a product that seemed like an interesting deal for me. Even if initially I had no intention to shop anything, once I bumped on this offer, I decided to give it a shot.
A few minutes later, I abandoned this idea. Why? The website’s design was so unfriendly and outdated, the buying process seemed so complicated and time-consuming…The seller actually did not seem to be reliable.
And so, the lack of a proper online presence turned me instantly from a potential buyer into a lost opportunity.
It’s about THAT type of experience that every customer deals with once in a while. If you don’t want your business to be part of this un-selling story, take into account to extend your online presence through a delivery app that integrates ordering and transportation modules.
For whom is that app?
Ordering and Transportation App is an online sales app that can be successfully adapted to various companies (from small businesses to large ones) and industries.
From retail stores, transport services, restaurants & pubs, courier companies, commercial suppliers, and industrial suppliers, there are plenty of businesses that can successfully use this type of app.
What types of modules does it integrate?
Online Store – a dedicated module where specific products can be traded and which integrates 3 ways for displaying the offers:
- announcements
- promotions
- new arrivals
Public Market – connect main trading parties (vendors, clients, courier/transportation services providers) through a dynamic marketplace platform that:
- is able to attract and support high traffic volume;
- hosts offers from various vendors;
- provides sales trackings with accurate metrics.
Delivery Management System ( courier, delivery booking, and tracking) – multiple options for booking a delivery/courier/transportation service:
- fast matching orders with available services;
- real-time tracking;
- real-time request details update (delivery address, date, ordering volume, etc.);
- easy-management and visualization for in-progress orders.

How fast can you implement it?
For early adoption, we usually deliver this online sales app in less than 5 days.
What if you want full-customization and/or extended functionalities?
We can develop, create, and implement from scratch full-custom apps and features according to your specific/contextual needs.
CRM MOBILE APP (customer database)
There’s no better advertising than a great review coming from a satisfied customer. If you want to keep your customers close and the loyal ones even closer, you need a CRM system to better understand their behavior and personalize communication with them.
And, a mobile app based on CRM is even a better idea. It can help you to:
- send real-time notifications regarding new orders directly to the owner and employees;
- get a faster synchronization of business’ activities and an easier orders management;
- centralize, analyze, and manage your clients’ data safely and easily;
- instant identification of an existing customer on the database by using the phone number (from which he calls);
- receive feedback from clients directly in the App through QR code and NFC tag;
- select clients based on specific criteria and send them text messages (SMS) with coupons and promotions to give them reasons to return on your restaurant’s offer.

ALL-IN-ONE digital solution
(websites + CRM + mobile App + online/contactless products catalog)
You have a website, but it’s not exactly what you need to generate sales. You manage contacts through disparate apps and solutions – and this is overwhelming and time-consuming. You still use printed brochures or individual online product presentations – and this makes reaching the customers even more challenging.
What you need is to start using (fast) an all-in-one digital solution. A complete solution that can provide you with a 3600 online experience: sell + marketing + re-engaging digital tools.
What does an all-in-one solution integrate?
- Website ready for online sales – eCommerce website – optimized for mobile and search engines algorithms (e.g., Google);
- Mobile App (IOS & Android) for offers and orders;
- Mobile App based on CRM (customer database);
- Contactless (online) menu/products catalog;
- SMS marketing module.
You can use this all-in-one solution for several businesses types:








Any small/medium bus
(Instead of conclusion) 5 takeaways…
on how to keep your customer engaged during the holiday season
Communicate your offers through multiple channels – so they can interact with your products constantly;
Place ordering and shipping tracking tools at their fingertips (a mobile app is always a good idea);
Customize as much as possible the communication with your customers. Use smart digital tools for doing that right;
Analyze your customer behavior constantly by using dedicated apps – the most important answers on what customers want are already there;
Reward your loyal customers with personalized offers based on their behavior and their expectations.