Since we have already established in the previous blog post (2023 Digital Transformation Trends | Keeping up with the latest industry updates) that more and more companies and entrepreneurs are turning their attention to digital transformation (to effectively cover business needs, save resources and keep up with changes in the industry), it is time to see how this trend is reflected across multiple sectors.
However, in this article, we talk about the development of custom software solutions for the Recruitment & HR industry. It is the perfect occasion for analyzing the impact they can produce at a company’s level.
The human resources department has a complex activity, which involves processes such as:
- recruitment,
- onboarding,
- Career Path definition,
- issuance of documents (for example, certificates that attest that a specific person is employed by a particular firm or company),
- defining organization charts and salary scales,
- management of internal processes,
- management of delicate situations and conflicts.
But when it comes to the digital journey, recent statistics (see some sources in the graph below) show that the Recruitment & HR industry is not at all an exception regarding software solutions adoption.
Companies that have a human resources department or deal exclusively with the activities of this industry say that the automation of specific processes (by using modern apps) has brought them many benefits.

The main advantages of customized software for the Recruitment & HR industry:
We live in an era when fast and efficient solutions are a must.
So, here is a list of the most common benefits that a custom software solution can provide:
Process automation. Many tasks during a typical working day turn out to be time-consuming. For example, certain e-mails that are sent periodically by the human resources department.
But, thanks to predefined templates provided by a platform or an app, sending such messages can be considerably improved.
Also, through software automation, specific tasks of Recruitment & HR representatives can be eliminated. One thing that comes to mind is those confirmation notifications that everybody knows but are necessary: “Thank you for sending us your CV. It is now in our database, and if we deem it relevant, we will contact you to set up an interview.”
And because the Recruitment & HR department is not only about recruiting, the automation part has a remarkable impact on existing employees as well. A conclusive example is the automation of certain documents.
Task organization. With calendar-type options, you can efficiently set meetings or track the progress of a project. There are also time management or time report options that allow counting allocated working hours.
History and archiving.The Recruitment & HR software can store valuable information for companies about employees. Thus, if you want to check the history of an employee, a well-organized database with intuitive software is precisely the answer you need.
At the same time, the organizational part can also be done by using tags that allow setting a specific status for team members: former employee, current employee, collaborator, during the trial period etc.
Better communication both internally and externally. Internally, communication can be done through a chat that allows employees to discuss or exchange documents.
It can also come with the functionality to make video calls, a functionality that is increasingly requested as a result of working remotely.
Externally, we can also talk about a chat module, but accessible to potential employees or any other person who is interested in the activity of the human resources department.
The entire Recruitment & HR solution could be the efficiency of communication because it interconnects departments and creates a continuous and coherent workflow.
Document stores.The Recruitment & HR software can be used as a contact database and for field-related documents that are easily tracked or accessed. Also, some platforms or apps allow various document operations: editing, copying, listing, archiving, deleting etc.
Training and learning.The Recruitment & HR solutions can turn into e-learning platforms for employees / collaborators / partners, thanks to a simple functionality that allows uploading courses, procedures or any other type of documents with a learning role.
Performance tracking. By taking various online tests and exams, an Recruitment & HR platform can monitor employees’ progress and help them achieve specific career goals (acquiring certifications and qualifications, checking their level of knowledge etc.).
The main features of an Recruitment & HR platform:
Before discussing the technical functionalities of an Recruitment & HR platform, our consultants perform an analysis of the needs of each business and entrepreneur.
And because every company is different in terms of solutions, custom platforms are the ones that manage to bring the best results.
However, if we were to review some of these, we can say that entrepreneurs need:
- intuitive solutions, easy to access;
- quick transfer of information from one department to another or to customers;
- complete control of the platform or application;
- safety;
- a good connection of the sections and descriptions that determines engagement;
- compliance with the legislation in force (in particular, the GDPR rules);
- maintenance and support – new features can continuously improve the browsing experience in such a platform.
And from the point of view of the technical features of:
- cloud development of the platform or application;
- the possibility of generating templates – to simplify the organization part;
- several types of permissions for users and total control of the platform for administrators;
- personalized dashboard for each type of user;
- internal chat, which allows the exchange of files – to streamline the communication process;
- sufficient data storage space – to allow the archiving part;
- data backup and enhanced security systems.
Regarding the people involved in a project, you can see an example of how we organize our team of experts below.

Roweb’s experience in dedicated Recruitment & HR software development:
For over 16 years, we have been providing software solutions for the Recruitment & HR industry. Our portfolio includes international brands that have chosen the Roweb team as their partner in digital transformation.
Here are some examples:

VMS 365 is an Recruitment & HR solution that has simplified processes by creating a platform with functionalities that offer users a dynamic and intuitive work environment. The project was designed as a complete management system for recruitment processes, bringing optimizations for both employees and employers.

Pearn Kandola was conceived as a SaaS (software as a service) solution that brings a better user experience and increases interaction with various products and options available in the platform.

Custom development of the web e-learning platform was based on the already existing architecture of a CRM and the mobile application that were also developed by our team some time ago (thus, we can consider the e-learning platform as an extension of the original project).

An own solution developed by Roweb in-house and which can be adapted to any business that wants better management of working time. Remote working has facilitated project management in a simplified manner designed for the needs and goals of both employees and managers, and administrators.
What recommend us as a reliable partner in the development process of dedicated software for the Recruitment & HR industry:
- Collaboration with important industry brands and relevant experience in software (Roweb has been operating under the current brand since 2004);
- The positive reviews received on dedicated platforms from genuine customers such as Good Firms & The Clutch;
- The ability to maintain long-term customer partnerships (our longest-running collaboration dates back to 2006);
- The possibility of covering all necessary roles in a project: from software developers to QA engineers & technical consultants etc.
- Elimination of cultural and language barriers, thanks to advanced English speakers.
- The team formed of over 130 developers, most of them with senior experience;
- Transparency in cost efficiency and in the communication process.