In a dynamic field like IT, team loyalty becomes an important asset that brings trust and stability.
So in this material, it is time to meet Sorin Tarceatu, our colleague who brings a positive vibe and fondly remembers the early days of the Roweb company.
#ForTheLoveOfProgramming – The Tech Perspective
How many years have you been part of the Roweb team?
Sorin Tarceatu: For 18 years. Last fall, I “came of age” (just kidding). I also can’t believe that time has passed so quickly.
What made you remain part of the team?
Sorin Tarceatu: People. As I have said on multiple occasions, I think Roweb offers you a family atmosphere where you are encouraged to grow and feel fulfilled. And I see that from all points of view: professionally, personally, financially. Thus, I found the motivation I needed and my career was shaped around people with the same passion as me: programming.
A memory from the first years in the company that nothing will erase from your mind.
Sorin Tarceatu: I think the friendly atmosphere from the beginning is something great to remember. Also, we used to joke a lot, go out together and get to know each other, besides the working environment. It was the time of clubs and discotheques. There are a few parties that I remember, and that will remain in my mind for a long time because I felt very good.
Roweb as it was when you joined the company vs Roweb of today. What do you think has changed? What remained the same?
Sorin Tarceatu: Some of the people remained the same. Otherwise, Roweb has grown a lot from all points of view: employees, projects, technologies, investments and clients. We started as a small firm and became an IT company, in a competitive market, with three offices in three big cities.
What made you choose IT, and how did you choose it?
Sorin Tarceatu: I initially had a passion for the technical side. I attended a technical high school with a Computer Science profile and then a Computer Science faculty. I was watching movies, I liked computers, I used to like the idea of ”hacking” – as it was presented then.
My story is not much different from that of my colleagues. However, in the beginning, until I really fell in love with computer science and moved to the next level of passion, I had several moments of “decline”. I took small grades in Informatics, including when Viorel (today Roweb’s CEO) was teaching my class.
Who did you first work with within the team? Also, tell us about the first projects.
Sorin Tarceatu: I worked with Gabriel Nitulescu and Gabriel Rosu on one of the projects that was very special to me and that had a nice evolution in our portfolio. I worked for Whise for almost 10 years.
In the beginning, I had smaller projects, also very interesting, but with Whise, I can say that my professional career has also evolved. What I liked about this client is that he does not stop investing in digitalization. It is constantly changing, and he always wants to grow the project because he does not want to lose his competitive advantage.
What projects are you currently working on, and from what position?
Sorin Tarceatu: At the moment, I am the Project Manager for nGage – a project in the field of HR which simplifies the processes related to this industry, from job listings to salaries and invoices resulting from the activities carried out by the client.
What are the challenges in your project?
Sorin Tarceatu: Dividing time between various tasks about team and client management.
How did you evolve from a professional point of view in the company (job position, projects etc.)?
Sorin Tarceatu: I like the diversity I have. It made me go through various positions: from a junior developer to a project architect, product owner, project manager or team lead. I also take care of the recruitment of new members of my .Net team.
Some insights about the atmosphere in the current team.
Sorin Tarceatu: I have a great team. We like to communicate, joke, share our moods and overcome all the challenges that arise with the project.
Whenever I recruit a person for my team, I pay close attention to the soft skills part and consider how I could help him integrate easily. And this is because I believe that an employee with potential, open-mindedness, and communication skills could learn more quickly and help his project evolve.

What advice would you have for a person coming to work at Roweb?
Sorin Tarceatu: My advice is related to my expectations as a Project Manager: to be open, eager to learn, and to offer technical and human support to his colleagues.
#ForTheLoveOfProgramming – The Human Perspective
If you hadn’t worked in IT, you would have been most likely:
Sorin Tarceatu: I would most likely have worked in aerospace industry. I’ve always been drawn to this part.
Your main asset in the team is:
Sorin Tarceatu: I don’t just do Project Management. I also have technical knowledge. And this helps me to offer my team the support it needs, but also to be able to explain and collaborate with clients.
If Roweb were a friend, his top quality would be:
Sorin Tarceatu: I see the Roweb company like a young man. Lively, energetic, dynamic, curious.
If Roweb were a friend, his top flaw would be:
Sorin Tarceatu: Like any young man, Roweb has more to learn. It grows and evolves, but it is natural to make mistakes, be naive, be in a hurry, and venture into the unknown.
When you are not at the office, we can find you most often:
Sorin Tarceatu: Cycling, hiking or practising sports, in general.
If the team you are a part of was a quick key combination, it would be:
Sorin Tarceatu: CTRL + ALT + DEL – as well-known as the key combination, as helpful. Sometimes to block (the negative vibe) or to open the activity manager (and see what’s keeping you in place). Sometimes to restart (when you’re tired), change a password (to protect something or someone) or switch to another user (when quick adaptation is needed).
If your story in IT were an adaptation of the movie, it would have the title:
Sorin Tarceatu: Pff, where do you get these questions from?! I can’t think of a specific movie, but it’s a type where the character goes through a change, which helps him mature. A kind of metamorphosis.