SC ROWEB DEVELOPMENT SRL, is the beneficiary of the project "CAPACITY EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT OF COMPETITIVENESS ROWEB DEVELOPMENT SRL IN VIEW OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES PROVIDED", code SMIS 116584, a co-financed project by the European Union through the European Fund of Regional Development across the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020 Priority Axis 2 - Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, Investment priority 2.2 - Supporting the creation and expansion of advanced production capacities and the development of the services.
The project’s general objective stands in the company’s development and increased competitiveness by providing custom software development services for the internal market at high-quality standards and in the conditions of an improved production flow, equipped with advanced software and modern and efficient equipment, at the European level.
The total value of the financing contract was 3,758,214.11 lei, the total eligible value was 3,086,840.23 lei. The value of the public contribution was 1,963,822.89 lei, of which the eligible non-reimbursable value from F.E.D.R. was 1,669,249.46 lei (54.08%), the eligible non-reimbursable value from the National Budget was 294,573.43 lei (9.54%), and the eligible co-financing of the beneficiary was 1,123,017, 34 lei (36.38%). The ineligible value including the VAT of the project was 671,373.88 lei.
The implementation period of the project was of 52 months (01.03.2017-30.06.2021).
The implementation place of the project is: Fraţii Golești Boulevard, no. 132, Pitești Municipality, Argeș County, South-Muntenia Region.
By implementing the project, the company diversified the categories of provided services and increased their quality, maintained and created jobs, by that the company taking important steps into increasing competitiveness in the specific market.
We invest in your future! Co-financed project from the European Fund of Regional Development through the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020
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