Custom web e-learning platform development (Seatbelt)

  • multi-level platform (role-based) & multi-login (users with/without account)
  • fast and intuitive content management (user management, tests, courses, etc.)
  • SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) integration


PHP, MySQL, Redis, Lumen, ReactJS, Docker, Google Maps API, RxJava, Retrofit

Full custom and flexible e-learning solution developed with both companies’ and users’ specific needs in mind.


Our Client

Our client has a labor protection company from Romania that offers consultancy and periodical or on-demand safety inspections. The client operated from multiple locations in Romania and faced some problems when it came to managing client information.

Client’s needs/goals

Social and business contexts are dynamic (pandemic has fully demonstrated this). And so were our client’s needs. Seatbelt was interested in developing a solution to provide clients with a simplified, flexible, and within reach learning hub, able to be used in a custom and limitation-free manner.

That’s why they decided to develop a dedicated web solution for e-learning based on an existing web & mobile application (developed with our teams also). The new platform’s core role is to allow managing the entire e-learning activity.

The solution

Before building the web e-learning solution with us, Seatbelt was already using an existing outdated one that no longer responded to their needs.

So, our client decided to build a complete and full-custom new platform for managing all their e-learning activities, able to integrate, also, SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) - a set of technical standards for e-learning software products.

We built the solution based on the existing CRM web & mobile app solution’s architecture that we developed for them a few years ago (the e-learning platform being an extension for the initial project).

Ongoing customizations & optimizations: Being an ongoing project, Seatbelt e-learning platform continues to be optimized, customized and extended according to our client’s dynamic needs (e.g., optimisations for roles and permissions are taken into account, for covering all the e-learning/management requirements).

User roles on the e-learning platform

The Seatbelt e-learning platform provides differentiated access depending on the role defined for each user


Users with the Admin role have the ability to manage:

  • company’s users (adding / editing / deleting customer, employee or HR users; unique company login code administration);
  • modules (add / edit / delete modules);
  • courses (add / edit / delete course; assign course to companies, choose type of assignment to each company; assign to activities in companies; assign to specific employees in companies; choose if the course has a test and assign a test to it);
  • test questions (create / edit / delete question types; create / edit / delete question; assign question to tests; assign question to a type);
  • tests (add / edit / delete test; assign questions to test; assign test to courses);
  • specific e-learning reports on clients, courses, employees;
  • which users with created roles (non-default roles) have access to the e-learning platform;
  • activating / deactivating a course;
  • employees mass import (excel-based).


In the e-learning platform clients/HRs have the following attributions:

  • see the courses assigned to the company and to assign them to work points or employees;
  • see the courses assigned to the company and change how the course is assigned to the company;
  • see for each course the test with the poll of correct questions and answers;
  • manage employees;
  • assigning / unassigning courses to employees;
  • creating / editing employee access account in e-learning;
  • adding / editing / deleting employees;
  • view detailed reports on courses or employees;
  • manage their profiles/update profile fields;
  • see the unique employee code (e.g., for non-technical or contextual users);
  • employees mass import (excel-based).


On the e-learning platform the users with Employee role can:

  • see all the courses where they are assigned to;
  • attend/watch a course;
  • see the assigned test after they watch the course;
  • initiate/pause/continue a test;
  • multiple login (based on an existing account or contextual users logging based on a unique code);
  • pdf generated for test results (final score + wrong answers).
  • pdf generated for test results (final score + wrong answers).


Users with custom roles have the same functionalities as the Client / HR role. The only change is that these roles can be added to multiple companies. In the e-learning platform, they can change the company (from the ones they are assigned to) to do the e-learning management.



For Admin users the e-learning menu shows tabs for courses, tests and reports.


For the client /HR type user the menu contains: Home (with reports), Courses and Employees.


This type of user has instant access to courses and can view the navbar with profile and language tabs.

Custom role

For the custom role the e-learning platform integrates in the menu tabs for Home (with reports), Courses and Employees.


The courses page contains 2 main tabs:

  • courses (from SCORM or from Image Gallery)
  • modules

The page is built to provide relevant experiences only based on each user’s profile.

Example: A course teached in a specific language will be shown only to those users that have that language selected in their profile/in the database.

Functionalities for courses management

  • multiple selections for adding modules associated with the course;
  • simple module management, with drag & drop;
  • multiple selection option for companies to which the course is assigned;
  • quick test association for each course (checkbox)
  • search field for quick course search;
  • filter for companies selective listing;
  • assignment type (users with/without account);
  • activities assignment (for employees with accounts);
  • direct course assignment to specific employees;
  • dropdown menu for selecting course language;

Functionalities for users

  • filter for new courses;
  • new courses (which were never accessed);
  • listing courses (progress status and the courses details);
  • brief history for each course (progress status, first accessed, last accessed, number of times, time on course);
  • displaying only the courses that match user’s language (if the course isn’t already assigned);
  • dedicated page for each course (and test access directly from this page);
  • quick reports for progress status.


The Tests page integrated two main tabs:

Test Administration

  • multiple dropdown option - if a course already has a test assigned, it will be replaced by a current test;
  • listing relevant results from the search field and from the course filter.
  • defining the minimum number of questions to pass a test.

Question Management

  • multiple dropdown option and integration of a poll of questions (organized by categories on the test);
  • add / edit questions and setting options for question types (e.g., single select, multiple select, single input, multiple input, etc.);
  • “+” section to add more questions - each section will contain: radio button (to select the correct answer), and / or text field for the content of the answer.

For users

  • once a course is completed, the users can see the associated tests;
  • randomizing questions from a poll (for increasing the results accuracy);
  • delivering instant scores for each test plus a quick feedback (wrong answers).

*The implemented functions and functionalities reflect the current needs of our client. We have full capabilities to develop also a large number of other (custom) functionalities (e.g., rewarding systems) according to each project requirements. (including in other technologies - e.g., NextJS)


In the reports section from admin users have access to:

Reports on companies/how many companies have accounts in e-learning;

Employee reports:

  • as for% have assigned courses;
  • how many% have completed the assigned courses (100% completion, of those who have assigned courses);
  • how many% took the test (of those who started the test).

* Company, course and date filters (range)

Course reports:

  • how many% of the tests were passed (percentage of those started);
  • how many% of the tests were taken on the first try;

* Company, course and date filters (range)

Quick views:

  • pop up box for chart details;
  • instant reminders (for users completing/starting a course) directly from the chart;
  • dynamic chart for intuitive and modern data visualization.

*The implemented functions and functionalities reflect the current needs of our client. We have full capabilities to develop also a large number of other (custom) functionalities (e.g., other types of dynamic charts) according to each project requirements. (including in other technologies - e.g., NextJS)

The outcome

The outcome

Our client can rely now on a safe, intuitive and easily manageable e-learning platform.

Benefits for Seatbelt

Time-efficient & cost-efficient way to do business.

Benefits for Seatbelt’s clients

A more efficient way to access information easy and fast.

Interested in developing a full-custom e-learning solution for your business?

Get in touch with us for a free consultation session!

Roles we cover

For developing the e-learning web solution, the client requested a complete project team:

Project Manager

Full-stack developers




The feedback from the users is very positive. They like that the process is streamlined. Roweb Development provides monthly data extracts and statistical reports showing the main issues regarding health and safety. They were able to deliver everything we asked of them. The team was very accommodating.They can do anything needed, but there are some things that clients may not think of or anticipate. Allow them to have input initially to avoid having to fine-tune things in the middle of the project.

Bogdan Neagu

Owner Seatbelt Consulting

Some of our works

Chatbot development for nGAGE HR platform

TimeReport: full-custom project management portal

Seatbelt Web & Mobile Application